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Pilot gender imbalance will take time to fix: EasyJet

A global imbalance in the number of female compared with male pilots is going to take "some time to change", believes EasyJet’s chief operating officer Chris Browne. Speaking at the Accelerate Aviation conference in London today, Browne says that worldwide only 5% of pilots are female and that "until recently" they could all fit on board a single Airbus A380. ( 기타...

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What moron thinks the ratio should be 50/50 and that this needs to be "fixed" I say let people decide on careers and stop counting. Women may just not be interested
linbb 0
This is funny as it sounds just like the we have to hire so many of this race deal. Except here there is no way to just hire women, they have to be qualified to be a pilot and that requires training. Those who choose to do so are hired without any problems and now the doors are wide open no matter which gender they happen to be.
morleyss 2
You are correct. What you note when you say "those who choose to do so..." is supporting the idea of "equality of opportunity" which is a non-discriminatory approach. What is suggested in this article is "equality of outcome" which by very nature forces discrimination on all sorts of arbitrary criteria (in this case gender) and is actually in contravention of numerous human rights codes. Best Regards.


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