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Southwest flight with broken windshield makes emergency landing at KMCI

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Southwest Airlines jet was forced to make an emergency landing at KCI Wednesday night. The Boeing 737's windshield broke mid-flight after taking off from Washington D.C.'s Reagan National Airport. Two WWII veterans being recognized in Leavenworth this week were on board ( 기타...

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Flew out of Washington National alot decades ago. Lots of birds on the field due to close proximity of Potomac River. They used to fire off loud gun-like blasts to scare the birds off. I believe a goose in the engine might be worse than one on the windshield. Glad all landed well.
"...multiple redundant layers..." Translation: "2" Aviation "news" reporting at its best.
Here is the flight:

Flight profile doesn't look much different than the one the previous Friday.
When did it crack? Was it on descent, or did it not rise to a critical level?
Local Fox Station reported landing with no emergency declared:
Another local station with video. MX staff with extra workload. SWA 718 went on to KHOU with another bird:
masonite 1
I'm shocked the flight to HOU was only delayed 35 minutes.
Duct tape.
Might have been a goose, though...

Makes you wonder when they reported the windshield to corporate, doesn't it?
That it does, however I heard they had a replacement plane in Kci which could have been used in the replacement to Houston??
Flight was going to MCI to begin with. Outer pane was the one that shattered so there was no structural issue and no emergency was declared.
The story updated to include more information since I initially posted.


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