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A passenger with 246 packets of cocaine in his stomach and intestines has died on board Aeromexico flight

A Japanese man with 246 packets of cocaine in his stomach and intestines died mid-flight on his way from Bogota to Tokyo, authorities said on Monday (May 27) in northern Mexico, where the plane made an emergency landing. The 42-year-old man, identified only as Udo “N,” began having a seizure after travelling from the Colombian capital to Mexico City and catching a connecting flight to Japan, said the prosecutor’s office for the state of Sonora. ( 기타...

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The Darwin award for 2019 goes to .......
to a guy who died bravely putting 246 packets of cocaine down his throat. Congratulations.
ADIOS RichardHead.
Viv Pike -3
All good and well. But exactly what has this squawk got to do with aviation? Because the idiot was on a flight? So anything that happens on board an aircraft, or indeed at an airport, is "worthy aviation news" ?? I do not get how this story has been up-voted so many times.
What happened was that he was trying to smuggle the stuff in his belly instead of in a's not just a coincidence that a guy happened to die on a flight...he was trying to bypass security systems and got himself killed in the act.
linbb -3
You really have to be kidding? Most of things on here like the MH370 rants are just trolls posting any more very little real news. This has become for the most part a hang out for those who post on every site they can.

So for this story its very average if you look at what else is posted one person on here hates Boeing so much he will not post anything about Airbus problems no matter what.
Here is a question for you @linbb - Are you a little 5 year old behind a screen typing all of this nonsense?
Kobe , look in the mirror . You are very quick to offer up your opinion on near every point . RE: Your comment above . Thank you .
Roland, I don't troll. Linbb does. I don't post things that absolutely no sense. Linbb does.\

Please get your facts straight first. Thank you.
Sorry to offend your delicate feelings, I don't see any mention of trolling referred to you ? My facts are in your posts .
You obviously don't ready linbb's comments?
Very thouroghly . he doesn't make sense in some , but that is sometimes a frequent observation . I just don't dwell on it or let it hurt my feelings . Enough said ,have a good evening .
It doesn't hurt my feelings but I think it is quite monotonous how his comments demonstrate the same morale every time. You have a good night as well.


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