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French court drops inquiry into Air France crash of 2009

French judges have dropped charges against Air France and Airbus over an air crash in 2009 that killed all 228 people on board, putting the emphasis on human error for the loss of control of the plane. ( 기타...

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If Air France and Airbus arent at fault then who is. The pitot tubes were developed by Airbus which failed and the Pilots were trained by Air France???
If this headline was American court drops charges against Boeing can you imagine the comments... lmao
linbb 0
Don't upset MH about airbus problems. But it was a frog airline and pilots so they don't want to offend there countrymen. But they did charge another airline in some way with another crash.

For some reason airbus has had more than one control problem with more than one model of there aircraft that has killed more than the Boeing problem did.
Yup. Last part is true.. also the quantas flight with no fatalities but had a massive rollercoaster ride over the pacific..


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