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Eviation Alice damaged in fire

A electrical fire damaged the Eviation Alice all electric aircraft prototype, while undergoing tests at Prescott Regional Airport in Arizona. ( 기타...

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Call Elon, he knows what to do with those pesky Lion. battery fires.
linbb 0
The performance figures sound just like the great electric car range. UM if you don't operate in cold weather, if you don't turn the heater on, if you don't use the AC, if its not loaded to rated capacity, if its not on mountain roads. Now with that said you are on an airplane loaded with bombs, if a short happens to it down you go now. If the short or overload does not trip something hope your insurance is good.
Once those batteries catch on fire... there is no stopping it in the air and no escape for those on board... Bad idea... Only going to get worse.

Good thing is that this happened on the ground at KPRC, by the hangars. Bad news is that the burning of the acid from the batteries prompted evacuations around KPRC (a friend of mine living in Prescott had to temporarily evacuate). Fire put out quickly.

LiveATC has a feed for KPRC, so all of the incident was covered:


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