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Singapore Airlines to convert 14 of its Boeing 787-10 orders to 11 additional 777-9s, push back deliveries

SINGAPORE — Singapore Airlines said on Tuesday that It will convert 14 of its Boeing 787-10 orders to 11 additional 777-9s to meet its fleet needs beyond the financial year ending in March 2026. The airline also stated that it would defer some Airbus and Boeing aircraft deliveries over $3.01 billion. ( 기타...

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I wonder if it is the fact the 787-10 are made in the South Carolina plant instead of the Washington plant? The cheaper labor has created problems for the purchasing airlines.
Could be, I have heard that some airlines won't accept planes made in South Carolina. Hopefully part of the consolidation Boeing will transfer talent from Everett to Charleston to help out with their QC issues.
user3956 2
Indeed because cheaper is not always better.
mdburd 3
In Sept. 2020 Boeing announced ALL 787s would be coming from SC.
srobak 2
That's surprising. A huge lift to move all that tooling from Everett and reroute all the shipping for inbound components, not to mention all the lost time in personnel rollover.
I doubt much tooling will be relocated, the 787 is already produced in South Carolina so they have all the tooling they need. Hopefully at least some of the personnel will be given the option of relocating but I suspect most will be transferred to other programs or furloughed eventually. For the next year or so they will stay in Everett completing and retrofitting 787s not yet delivered.
srobak 1
well - i think it would be better to relocate the tooling than it would be to 86 it. That's a major investment that was made to do the 87 in everett - and this is still their newest airframe.
srobak 1
It's been a while since I've been to the Everett plant - but when I was the 87 line was in the East end of the factory, and the next line to the West was the 77. At that time orders for the 87 were back almost four years.
Perhaps the number of seats, or engine type, may be a better reason for the switch.
This order is said to be a replacement for the A380s. The 777-9 is closer to the A380 capacity and they added an additional plane to the order, bringing the total capacity very close to a one for one change.
The 777-9 also has a range advantage over the 787-10.
Airline fleets, who really knows the backstory for each decision - sigh....
Ah, thanks. I was under the impression the ranges were comparable. Sorry to add to the confusion here.


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