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Airplane takes off a tonne heavier than expected after computer error weighs adults as children

A flight from the UK to Spain took off with more than a tonne of unexpected weight after a software error classified female passengers using the title “Miss” as children. This led to the flight’s load sheet estimating the weight of 38 female passengers as 38 kg or 77 pounds each, the standard weight for children, instead of 69 kg or 152 pounds, the standard weight used for female adults. The error was classified as a “serious incident” by the UK’s Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) but… ( 기타...

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This sounds to imply that TUI W&B system is flawed for all or all type flights. As far as actuals, I worked for a regional, and passengers revolted to divulge their weight each flight as hokey

I was shocked to see a documentary of a plane crash where they said that the estimation of passenger weights, and luggage weights were based on averages from decades ago. Back before HFCS and humans got hooked on junk food and reality TV. The plane was just under the max weight, but taking into account the actual weight of the passengers and amount of luggage, the plane was way overloaded.

I flew a very small airline, and I, and all of my luggage and carry-on had to be weighed before I got on. I don't know why more airlines don't do actual weights of passengers and all their crap.


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