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China authorities say the right wingtip of China Eastern Boeing 737 was found 12 km from the impact point

China Eastern Airlines MU5735 Aircraft Flight Accident Investigation Preliminary Report has been completed. ( 기타...

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Truth and the Chinese authorities just don't coexist.
elgatito 2
Thats looks like suicide
Yes. Remembers on GERMANWINGS flight 9525 on 24 March 2015 in the French Alps.
could it be another attempt at destroying Boeing? hopefully, The CAA won't join in like last time?
I rather suspect that the last two B737-MAX multi-death incidents were ENTIRELY of Boeing's making. Just like the rudder hard-over incidents about US territory three decades back.
On behalf of airlines and regulators everywhere... thanks for the free lunch.
"....So does that mean they found the trailing edge of the top half of the winglet (which would mean a 4 foot by 2 foot section)?"

Nah - they haven't "planted" that bit yet ......

3 words the CCP will NEVER utter ... "suicide by pilot"
Oddly precise article with a few glaring exceptions. 12km from the crash site... and where was it in relation to the flight path? And what exactly does "trailing edge of the right wingtip wing let" mean? One of the only recognizable parts in the pictures I've seen is the outboard part of that same (right) wing with about half the winglet still attached. So does that mean they found the trailing edge of the top half of the winglet (which would mean a 4 foot by 2 foot section)?

Would or could the loss of half a winglet result in an immediate near vertical dive? No slip, no roll, no mayday, no apparent attempt to recover.... just diver down?

Here we go again. Airplane goes down, BS meter goes up.
I take back the no attempt to recover part because the data seems to indicate otherwise.

The video on the other hand...
bentwing60 -2
CCP, they own the narrative!


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