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Little old lady intercepted by fighter jets after wandering too close to the president...

Two F-16 fighter jets intercepted a plane flown by a 75-year-old woman when it entered restricted airspace during President Barack Obama’s Chicago visit. ( 기타...

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Ron Lorenz 0
Myrtle Tell the greedy money Grubber to Pound sand, you've probably been here for 40 yrs+. He's Trespassing.
Wayne Fox 0
Was she from Pasadena? Go Granny Go.
Wonder if TFR's even existed when she first solo'd?
linbb 0
Read the other posts first has already been reported.
linbb 0
Quit reposting this its old news.
What is your problem Boyd? Nobody is re-posting anything. this squawk shows up on the list like everything else according to the parameters set by the administrators. Do something substantive for a change.
linbb 0
Please post something new or read the old one.


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