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Pilot was 'unfairly blamed for crash that killed Buddy Holly and should be hailed a hero for trying to avert disaster'

Pilot L.J. Coon has petitioned the National Transportation Safety Board He contends other factors, including weight balance, were overlooked NTSB now considering to re-investigate ( 기타...

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If they are willing to reopen investigations, how about considering this one:
That's out in your neck of the woods ain't it?
Over the hills on the other side of the valley. The crash occurred in Napa, North and East of San Francisco Bay. The trial was held in San Mateo County, next door abuts the City and County of San Francisco to the South. The crash was in 2009 and the statute of limitations for manslaughter expired. Found a link to the court action at
What gets me is that he ain't got a prayer of paying that judgment yet he gets to keep his license.
You wonder how he'll pay his attorney. . .
ltcjra 1
Concur with you.
They would do better probing into something more current such as this rather than 56 years ago.
I guess it is always good to clear a pilot's name or anybody else's for that matter, but here 56 years later, most folks don't even remember who Buddy Holly or the Bopper were. After 56 years, who cares and why spend the money. I guess I'm just a curdmudgeon.
linbb 0
Don't blame you about your thoughts and mine are the pilot flew into IMC and crashed what can be different about that?
There is a difference in being IMC qualified, which the story said he was, and purposefully flying into it.
One also has to remember that GA was in infancy in those days. It wasn't but a year or 2 later that there was a crash in TN that killed Jim Reeves, Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas, and pilot Randy Hughes. Can't remember a cause on that one.
ltcjra 1
Patsy Cline's brother-in-law flew into a hillside near the home airport, if I remember the facts of the case.
I can remember that it was in TN, but I was about 10-12 years old at that time, and other than getting the music down, we were in Germany as an Army brat when it happened, I had only flown 1 time in my life before that. LOL. I guess Randy Hughes was her brother in law, as I remember he was the pilot.
Fun fact: Waylon Jennings got off the plane to give Buddy Holly his seat.


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