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'Top Gun' Sequel to Put Maverick in the Pilot's Seat Again

If you’re feeling the need for some speed, then you’re in luck: During the Berlin press day for Terminator Genisys last week, Skydance Productions’ David Ellison and Dana Goldberg provided some intel on the status of the sequel to the 1986 fighter-ace blockbuster Top Gun. ( 기타...

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I'll bet he won't by flying the FUP-35 in this one.
Then again, maybe he will, what with the wonders of CGI and all. If they can do Daenerys' dragons, they may be able to screen an operational F-35.
He will show up and sit in the cockpit and spit out zingers, but the computers will do the rest.
"Top Gun" had enough bad things in it, from a plot standpoint and a technical standpoint. It was OK to watch the first time, but after that too many things became obvious.
And my guess at the storyline is that it will have to do with home-grown terrorists. I'm sure Karl Rove will get a starring role since all Conservatives are on the NSA watch list. :D
s2v8377 1
It would be bad enough having it be FA-18's never mind F-35's. I miss the F-14's, there's nothing like a Tomcat!!!
linbb 1
Oh good now we can watch another issue of Tom the great disappear into the mist on his motor cycle or his forever smile, NOT.
Bet Putin's gonna be pissed with the storyline, as usual.

Geez... Why does Hollywood get back to originality.. I mean really.. Almost everything coming out is a Sequel or remake...


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