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A Boeing 787 Dreamliner vs. Airbus A350 Showdown Is Looming in the U.S.

Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and Airbus' A350 have both sold well in the U.S. so far. And American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Continental will need to order a whole lot more in the coming years. ( 기타...

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At least this will be more fun to watch than Batman V Superman....
I would dearly love to see this go down in history books Boeing V Airbus bring it on. But I am a Boeing fan of the ultimate legionary Queen of the skies the Jumbo Jet known as the Boeing 747B
linbb -3
So what do you think? Don't see this as anything other than the EU helping sell them one way or another. Nothing more nothing less and the US not providing financing for Boeing AC.
Have a look at this:
Boeing has plenty of cash there not short of a dollar at all
Boeing make up for USG subsidies by not repaying overstated costs etc. from their US G contracts which outweigh any EU help to Airbus.


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