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US Airlines Need Competition to Improve

Over the last few decades, while airline companies in the United States seem to be lowering the price of flight tickets, their services have been notoriously compromised at the same time. ( 기타...

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wonder if someone can "make it" by offering good service, a little more room in economy and a fare that most can still afford?
linbb 1
Has been tried and didn't work start up is too steep. And besides if they could that would have already been done with the ones in service now.
That’s the business concept of Porter Airlines and they are doing quite well with it. For now they only do regional flights with a fleet of Q400, but they have a minimum seat pitch of 32 inches and give excellent service, on board and on the ground.
It is called SWA.
sorry.... after 25 years of flying every other week...I don't wait in lines
If you can sit up front, that is great. SWA has business select. You are in the 1st fifteen to board and they throw in a free drink. No free hot nuts, but they seem to take off pretty much on time and don't cancel too many flights.

didn't know that... hmmmm


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