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Photo of the Day: Lufthansa salutes the Boeing 747

Lufthansa announced on social media: Jumbo turns 50 tomorrow! The world’s first “smiling” Boeing Airplanes was the freighter Boeing 747-230F, taken on by Lufthansa in 1972. Nickname: “Beetle Swallower”, as it had space for 72 VW Beetles. ( 기타...

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All hail the queen!
DITTO , Hail Yeah!!!
thegrump 7
Though I’ve been flying since the 707 was the “workhorse “ of most fleets, I’ve never had the chance to be on a 747, and as the fleets are retired, possible I won’t get to.

But I can admire the beauty. There are more advanced aircraft, larger, more efficient birds, but - while the Concorde was the most futuristic plane I also never flew on, the 747 is, in my humble opinion, the most graceful and instantly recognized commercial jet of all time.

(I’ll leave a little weasel room for my similar infatuation with the Lockheed Constellation)

Wonderful picture and a H/T to Lufthansa for making it possible.
Hello I also flown in many aircraft. and to me the Boeing 767 was the smoothest ride of them all. Take off a special.
WoW... Happy Birthday 747,,, - Nice Pic...
yes they are pretty awesome!
Very cool picture!

Happy Birthday 747!!!
They are awesome!!!!
My favorite plane to fly in.Congratulation
Nice bugs. Oops I mean Volkswagen Beatles.
I sure hope Paul McCartney or Ringo don't see your reply...LOL...for some reason, don't think they would want to be associated with Volkswagen Beetles.
I was lucky enough to be invited to (the not yet open) DFW to view the showing of the 747 with two 707s parked beside it for comparison.
Love Lufthansa salute to 747....Still my favorite plane as a passenger on long haul flights. Sorry to see it go....
Great photo. I remember when they first flew. I've ridden on 47's and 97s but not on 747s. I wouldn't hesitate to build a home inside a retired one.
747, you're the beauty of the skies!
I flew on one from Honolulu to San Francisco in 1972 to be discharged from the Marine Corps. What a wonderful aircraft.
Was you a "Ridge Runner" from HMR 161 ?


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