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Senior pilot fired for flying with fake licence for 20 years

A senior pilot was asked to resign from SAA earlier this year after it was found that he had flown commercial airplanes for more than 20 years with a fake licence. SAA reportedly discovered that William Chandler's airline transport pilot licence had been forged. ( 기타...

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dtkerr 1
The fact that he got away with it for so long says more about SAA's ability to do background checks on it's pilot's than it does about this guy's ability to fly commercial airliners.
I agree with Rico van Dijk, the pilot has a valid CPL and that SAA wants, every pilot to have one ATPL, they have to pay for it. Away SAA is a bad company, only the can do good, is makes a losses.
He must have had some knowledge of flying but was found out 20 years later
Should this story have read.......Senior pilot jailed for flying with fake licence for 20 years?
Straighten up, fly right, and stay under the radar. It appears he made some strange turns which prompted a safety investigation.
So the fact that what he did was illegal doesn't matter as long as he didn't get caught?
There is a saying I used most of my life"Bull shit baffles brains" You just do your best, stay out of the lime light and people will leave you alone.

It’s fake news and a s*t airline:
This guy has a valid CPL. It is a company rule that he had to upgrade this to an ATPL after a few years with the airline. Something that my airline organises for all her pilots free of charge. It’s just a formality. Fill out a firm during a sim check and done. With SAA the pilot has to organise it self which becomes a costly event. Glad I don't work for them.
Just because you don't like what it says doesn't make it "fake news". However, the forged licence is, by the very definition of the word, fake. SAA's upgrade policy is its policy and would be well-known to its pilots. If you don't like it, don't work for them.


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