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Australian court finds man guilty of plotting to blow up airliner

An Australian court on Wednesday (May 1) found a man guilty of plotting to blow up a an Etihad Airways flight out of Sydney at the behest of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group, by hiding a bomb in the luggage of his brother. ( 기타...

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Of course it’s the right group for these kind of discussions!
Given the breakdown of truth around the world today, just about any group is the right one to remind each other of what makes us better than murderous zealots or post-modern fascists or any other kind of barbarians -and that is the rule of law.
Cansojr 0
I know this won't go over well with everyone. The law should be amended to bring forward a life sentence with no parole. If they try to hijack a flight the sentence again should be life. Finally, if anyone is harmed by these islamiic goons will face an immediate death sentence without legal stunts petitioning the court to stay the execution. Islamic terrorists will face an immediate death penalty. No more dancing around their rights. They have no rights since these are dyed in the world terrorists. They have forsaken their civil and military laws and the law of the land.
You do know they are facing a life sentence and one has already been convicted, right? Since they didn't actually harm anyone, it would seem the legal system did just that. As for immediate death sentence, that would put us on the same level as the terrorists. Your words sound like the words of an anarchist. I'm pretty sure you aren't so you might want to rethink throwing away the rule of law for one group as that can get tricky down the road. But this isn't the group for these sorts of discussions.
Lanny - he said "life sentence with no parole". Is that what you mean when you say "life sentence"? Of course two very different sentences. The no parole sentence is used as an alternative to the death penalty or as appropraite punishment for people who are considered sociopaths or psychopaths when appropriate. Those two types are beyond rehabilitation. It is a matter of genetics and thus currently beyond our technology, and medical science, to begin with.
I hear yah, but what about non-islamic terrorists, do they get a break?
Put him in a meat grinder.
More violence, yeah, that's always the answer to "what the world needs now". Violence, yeah really, "that's the only thing that there's just too little of".
I'm sorry, what was I thinking. My apologies, what I really meant was to honor this man with the highest award (Companion of the Order of Australia).


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