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Alaska Carier Suspends Operations After Crash

An Alaska air carrier involved in two deadly floatplane crashes in a week has voluntarily suspended operations, according to the FAA. ( 기타...

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Glad they are being proactive.... Hope they find the cause and fix it.
Pilot of the Otter reported seeing a flash right before impact. "The surviving Otter pilot, who sustained minor injuries, told investigators he had not seen any conflicting air traffic on a device in the Otter that broadcasts a plane's location and picks up locations of other planes. The Beaver also was equipped with flight-tracking equipment, according to an earlier NTSB briefing on the collision in George Inlet."
Bad water landing, sounds like he dug the nose of the floats in and it water looped and cartwheeled.
My thoughts go out to the families involved.
Brilliant detective work, specifically since the article states "Witnesses told U.S. investigators that one of the two floats on a plane in a deadly commuter crash Monday dug into water during landing, causing the right wing to hit the water and then the aircraft to cartwheel several times."
My synopsis for those too lazy to read the article.
I'd already read it elsewhere too.

oh my goodness..those seaplane/floatplane tours or trips are very popular for tourists in alaska,as well as natives in the ironic this accident occurred so soon after the other one last week..the air carrier made the right decision...


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