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The Pentagon Is Spending Millions on Hunter Drones With Nets

Shooting drones down over cities isn’t ideal. Nabbing them in midair is an intriguing alternative. ( 기타...

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I have this mental image of a hunter drone getting confused and returning with a very confused duck, or a very angry hawk.
ADXbear 2
You mean to tell me that with all our electronic warfare aircraft like the Growler even old prowlers.. we cant block the signal of my DX8 RC TRANSMITTER!!!!!

Please stop the madness.. those aircraft jam SA6 SAMS.. I cant believe this bs
There are a lot of practical reasons for not using and EW aircraft in this role. First off, there isn't one stationed on or near every US Military base. Where there are, they're certainly not sitting on hot pad alert. If you start jamming the control signals, well, these things aren't exactly pin point. A lot of civilians, including public services are going to experience a negative effect on their equip ment.
Palmer Luckey's ramming drones have a better chance of knocking a drone down than these drones will have of netting one.
My grampa used to say if the Russians said they were going to hell we would spend a few billion to beat them there!
mweiserny's about the contract to build it...if some bonehead flies around where he should not, great...Jail would be a good answer also, but I sorta agree with JM below, talk is cheap.
SpaceX could do it.
You spend $300-$6000 on a drone
You decide to violate a military base airspace
Your drone gets netted by military drones
You watch your hapless drone get towed away in the sky
Our imagination is the only place it's going to happen.


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