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Frontier Airlines Introduces Aircraft Fogging and Disinfection Process

Frontier Airlines introduces aircraft fogging and disinfection solution across its entire fleet. The airline also implemented a new check-in process step for passengers to acknowledge and certify that they meet certain health-related requirements for travel. Additionally, Frontier has implemented a program to help facilitate social distancing on aircraft. ( 기타...

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What disinfectant do they use when then fog the plane?

jet4ang 0
That's terrific but how many sick passengers are going to acknowledge they are ill? None! They should at least do temperature checks at the gates also.
The fogging includes virtually every surface in the passenger cabin.< This is from Frontier. From watching the video I see the fogging missed the under-seat area. Is it not the area to store some carry-on items? I hope the fogging video is cut short for the video.
Way back in the mid-1960s era I remember playing in the anti-mosquito fogging at a summer boarding camp. It may have been some sort of DDT and harmed me. THAT fogging was a REAL pea soup fogging.
Sorry, but Frontier planes just seemed dirty even before this pandemic. I wish they could get their act together out of DIA.
thank you frontier airlines..along with delta and some other carriers, this will give the employees and people who might still be travelling right now some peace of mind...
While I commend the idea: How do you get at the underside of the tray table, under the arm rests or the overhead controls.....unless first you drop the trays for the first pass and second, rotate the UV light 180 degrees for the overhead on the second pass., and it only works on narrow bodied a/c? Maybe a similar UV scan should be accomplished for carry-on and checked bags as well? Also, a F/A activated UV for the washrooms that only works when the door is open, that would be neat.
Highflyer1950 - Do you read the articles before you express your opinion? Your concerns about coverage are valid, however the articles says nothing about UV light.
Thanks for correcting me Virgil. I responded to the wrong squawk. I did read this one and agree with Mary. Apologies all around.


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