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Only 35 Passenger Boeing 747s Remain In Service

COVID-19 crisis has decimated the global Boeing 747 fleet. Amongst the Boeing 747 passenger aircrafts, only 35 are in use. However, the freight Boeing 747s will likely remain in the skies for many years to come. ( 기타...

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It's interesting that, according to the graph, the number of 747s in service peaked around 1997. When I landed in Hong Kong for the first time in late 1994, I remember looking out the window and being impressed that almost every aircraft there was a 747.

Presumably that would have been at the old Kai Tak airport? Lots of interesting stories from those that had the chance to land there! I've been to Hong Kong a few times but only at the new airport.
Yup, it was still Kai Tak then. If ThinkingGuy landed around noon, there would be an abundance of N-reg'ed 744s. In the evenings, the European carriers would occupy the tarmac. I could still recall arriving during the day and we had to park way way away from the terminal. Between the plane and the terminal, we would pass by 747s one after the other.
Quite true. During that era, most of the Asian airlines invested heavily in the 747, particularly the 744. These included Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, JAL. Because of all that demand, Asian airlines were using 744 even for short/regional hauls. It was not uncommon to see a 744 flying 4 segments or more a day.
Such a beautiful, beautiful place. I used to spend my summers a as boy with my Uncle who was a driver at the time and made many deliveries around Heathrow Airport. I'd see the fleet of 747s all lined up. Fortunately I had the pleasure of flying on them four times in all - three of them in business class, and all of them in the bubble. What pure joy... God bless you, Queen of the Skies; you'll be sorely missed xx
Still the best plane flying in the skies today Go 747
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