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Passenger Who Refused To Wear Her Mask Punches Delta Flight Attendant After Verbal Argument

A Delta Air Lines flight from Miami to Atlanta was forced to return to the gate after a female passenger refused to comply with the airline’s mask policy. ( 기타...

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when you look at the video,the woman who refused to wear a mask, actually had one on,but it was pulled down around her doesnt appear the flight attendnant did or said anything verbally abusive to her..all the woman had to do was say.oh im sorry,put the mask back over her face and comply..would she also not want to fasten her seat belt?it ws just very selfish,thug like behavior,and in the video, she appears to have some travelling companions..
Lifetime on the no-fly list and a felony conviction is in her future. Hopefully prison time as well.
Phil Caron -3
I'm sure she'll sing "black lives matter" refrain which exempts them from following rules and rules of law, that only applies to the white folks. Oh well, I hope she enjoys lesbianism when she gets to the federal jail.
Man I really feel it for the FA here. Im sure her salary could never justify having to deal with these nutjubs on a daily. She was so well composed even after the punch. I dunno how I would react in a situation like that
I'm not surprised. Interfering with a flight crew is serious business even in the cabin. I hope this woman gets the maximum sentence without any sort of warning. This BS has to stop. It's becoming far too common. I would love to have seen one of her fellow passengers take her a** and her attitude face-first straight into the floor.
I'm not surprised. Interfering with a flight crew is serious business even in the cabin. I hope this woman gets the maximum sentence without any sort of warning. This BS has to stop. It's becoming far too common. I have love to seen one of her fellow passengers take her a** and her attitude face-first straight into the floor.
Yes Sir, Maybe these idiots do this just to see how far they can take it until the FA's give up and let them sit there in some far off area ? BUT thank God that's NOT going to happen is it ? and they WILL comply with the current regulations.
When I first started to read this, I had hopes that it woulf NOT be what I saw it to be once I ran the Video ??? LOL WHY do our good smart polite Flight Attndants have to endure this kind of thing ? Can't we all just accept that a Face Mask is a way of life now ? That FA should file charges against that RUDE SILLT STUPID WOMAN. YES, ban her for LIFE from any other Airline's !!!!
msongy 3
The best part is that she has a mask around her neck! I'm sure she'll say that she was "disrespected" by the flight attendant by being asked to comply with the airline's policy. Compliance is king!
Having flown many flights on DL & UA during this pandemic, these airlines are quite specific to the requirements and rules for passengers wearing masks at all times, except when eating or drinking.
This abusive DL passenger could now face federal charges (felony?) for interfering (slapping across the face) with a flight crew. Once the passenger is released from jail, hopefully they will never see another TSA checkpoint, or DL & UA check-in kiosk!
Cant help wondering: are the pax that misbehave like this just fruictcakes, or do the airlines not announce the masking regulations loud and clear immediately before boarding?
Greg S 10
Can you say Greyhound? $69 from Miami to Atlanta, and it only takes 13 hours. Not much faster than a horse and buggy. Hope it was worth it.
EMK69 5
I did that once way back in the early 70s.....NEVER AGAIN. It was from Los Angeles to Denver my GOD what a trip......
I took a Greyhound in '99 from Portland, OR to January through MT, ND, MN, etc. It was so cold the toilet froze.

I did it because a ticket to LHR was about $150 cheaper from the East coast than the West. Definitely should have paid the extra and done in hours what took us in days!
F A 4
I also took the bait back in the 90’s and rode the bus instead of paying more and flying. My experience during those three days, and the retelling of it, is F A family lore! Even the kids join me when I see a TNM&O bus on the Highway, “DON’T DO IT!” I say....
the nice thing about this deserved punishment is that she will never have to go through a TSA check-in inspection ever again. No airline ought to sell her a seat. She also should have to face assault charges on an inflight personnel, and that sounds kinda federal to me.
Lifetime ban and jail time for that thug I hope.
No excuse for that type of behavior


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