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Say Goodbye to Sipping an Espresso During American Airlines First-Class Flights

Until recently, this is what the executives at American Airlines thought as well, though the global health issue and the massive drop in the number of people still flying have caused a sudden change of mind. ( 기타...

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Greg S 2
Just as an aside it seems like writing quality has really taken a dive in the last decade. Doesn't the first sentence of this article strike you as wrong? I know what the author is trying to say, but what a poor way of saying it.

"It goes without saying that a first-class flight shouldn’t necessarily excel in terms of luxury but at least come with the most basic amenities, such as a cup of good coffee."

Does it really go without saying? First of all, many people think that "first-class" accommodations *should* excel in terms of luxury. Also, they're just getting rid of the espresso machines, they'll still serve you a good cup of coffee.

I apologize for nit-picking this to death, I'm sure the author is just trying to package a boring fact into a light-hearted short article.
greg..really?take the article for what it is informative,semi light hearted piece of assured the person who composed the article actually did give it some thought and probably writes pieces such as this all the time..remember..NO ONE IS PERFECT,and even those who write or compose or whatever,take license ...


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