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George Bush Intercontinental Airport ranks No. 1 for best and cleanest U.S. airport

George Bush Intercontinental Airport is ranked No.1 in the U.S. and 25th worldwide under the World’s Top 100 Airports category. ( 기타...

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as a person who has been in and out of iah many,many times,i cans say it USED to be very clean and well kept,and the main issues were the roads to and from the airport.the terminals themselves were torn down and rebuilt and many new shops and restaurants were added,and now they are budgeting for a new international terminal..facelifts are done WHEN airlines move to another terminal, or NEW airlines come in as they pay for the gate lobby remodeling and ticket counter spaces under contracts..
billatq 1
I wonder what metrics they use to determine that. I've never particularly thought of IAH as the best airport in the US. I also don't see how HOU ranks above DFW. This seems like some noisy data based upon surveys.
I agree. I was just there a few days ago. I thought man this place looks run down and in need of a face lift. Saw lots of construction around terminal A. I guess it's getting one.
I was wondering that too. If IAH is the best then there must be some pretty stinky bathrooms, etc, in some major US airports.

I was able to land late, and get from almost literally one end of the airport to the other just in the nick of time as they were about to close the door on the plane, AND my luggage made it (only to be lost at the destination hotel).

I certainly expected to miss that flight, and chewed my nails until I saw that next plane, door still open. I was so grateful, and would give the place a 10-star rating at the time, if possible. I was so sure I'd miss that flight, and/or my luggage would end up in Tahiti...


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