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World’s first Boeing 747-8 BBJ scrapped in US after just 30 flight hours

A Boeing 747-8 Business Jet (BBJ), the most luxurious ‘Queens of the Skies’ aircraft, will be dismantled at the Pinal Airpark boneyard in Marana, in the United States on December 19, 2022. ( 기타...

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So this is what our $5.00/gallon gas paid for. Sure glad we can help out those poor Saudis.....

Support American energy independence!
I don't get it... the airplane was built and sent for interior modification in 2012, and its buyer "died unexpectedly in October 2021, around nine months before the scheduled delivery"? Where was it in the interim, and why didn't it have a buyer already when it was built? Did the original deal fall through, or something?

The Boeing 747-8 BBJ was expected to become a special government plane to operate flights for the Saudi Arabian government, particularly to serve Saudi Crown Prince Sultan Abdul Aziz. However, the prince died unexpectedly in October 2021, around nine months before the scheduled delivery.
Plug the engine air intakes, Use it like a tourist attraction. People would pay to go through every inch of that beautiful Queen of The Skies. Serve lunches halfway through the tour. Also shop the on-board Gift Shop. A for sure money maker.
I'd buy that for a dollar! (movie quote)
I am right down the road from Marana. I wish I could buy it.
I live close by...wonder if I can get a peek??
While the airport is listed as 'public use' the boneyard is not tourista friendly,
I would love to park it somewhere and use the fuselage as a home.
chugheset 10
That's a great idea! Or set it up as an Air BnB.
No pun intended... 😉
drpepper 3
CAK had a rare 747SP sitting on the tarmac for years while it's owner slowly fell from grace and lost his power and money. These special configurations sadly are better for the spare parts.
drpepper 2
CAK had a rare 747SP sitting on the tarmac for years while it's owner slowly fell from grave and lost his power and money. These special configurations sadly are better for the spare parts.
serge LOTH 19
I saw that plane for years when I was going to work to my airport.. Everybody knew that aircraft.. And believe me it's not the only one and I Agree what a pity, not only in term of money but by respect of all the technicians who made it long time ago..
Did that Sheikh pay for it or not?
DAL521 4
that hurts, nuff said. :(
What a waste of time and effort from the get go... The world is progressing well... Remember these people who make decisions like to buy a 747BBJ also tell you the world is going to end if you drive too much...
No, they aren't the same people.
Oh they absolutely could be.

Stop heating your homes, driving your cars and flying while I fly around the world privately telling you this.

As soon as these baboons limit their proselytizing to zoom meetings, I might consider the argument but the hubris required to be a climate fear monger will never let that happen.
I don't think Arab princes are telling us to cut our oil consumption.
“petulant entrepreneurs acting out their insecurities in public view.”
It has be said, but why not a low hours freighter conversion?
jbermo 18
BBJ B-744s were not built with adequately stressed floor beams that are required for freighter use. This airplane is far more valuable for its almost "zero time" spare parts.
This is (almost) impossible to believe. What a waste of the engineering hours and expertise that went into building this aircraft!
lynx318 8
Yes, definitely an idiotic waste.
Oh, well. The Qatari World Cup 2022 [soccer] cost $220 billion, and now it will have most or all stadia torn down. Talk of waste....
The staduim was made to be temporary and no waste is going to be made.
Tim Dyck 5
There is still waste materials and the energy used to build and now dismantle everything.
“thin-skinned petulant entrepreneurs acting out their insecurities in public view.”
Landing Gear coming up for overhaul based on Calendar Days. Dont see that very often!!


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