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This Video Puts You In The Cockpit Of An F-16 Rocketing Over Alaska

The 35th Fighter Squadron, based in Kunsan Airbase in South Korea, participated in two Alaskan exercises this year, and they happened to take their GoPro cameras with them. The result of which is some gorgeous and exciting footage. ( 기타...

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The music sucked!
jbqwik 2
very fun, and pleasant addition to my am coffee. thanks
Sorry, but it would've been a pleasant addition if the editing wasn't so disjointed, jerking back and forth at least twice as much as necessary. I really like the view OUT from fighter jets, not looking back at a pilot who is unrecognisable, and in this video, the view IN shots took up what seemed like half the time.
Everybody's a critic, P.D. Why not get a hobby that relaxes you more, as watching YouTube seems to upset you.
Direct link to the video:
The view inside the cockpit was awesome. You can see the wing flex from the G's and weapons drop and fire. The gun shot was Kool too.
Jettison the ads


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