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U.S. deploys B-52 bombers to Middle East for the first time in 25 years!

The U.S. Air Force has deployed B-52 long-ranger bombers to the Middle East, for the first time since the Gulf War ended, to conduct strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, officials said Saturday. ( 기타...

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Well, these 'Millions and Millions' of dollars can be used to save Billions and trillions of Lives.Last time i checked lives were more valuable than money... also,
President Obama has done nothing hardly, if he would've stepped up to the plate when ISIS started doing all this, we could have saved the millions and millions of dollars, and LIVES OF INNOCENT PEOPLE,AND Christians.
It will cost us millions upon millions of dollars and they will retaliate for a few thousand, I don't see how this is going to help the situation, its a bit like the war on drugs that heavy handiness has not worked out either in the last 45 years, and billion and billions spent on that failure, imagine what all the money could do for Americans back at home.
linbb 1
Just wait until they come to our shores and then lets see what you think. Its about stopping it before they get here any worse than they already are and if you don't think that some are here already good luck.
canuck44 1
It will be interesting as to whether the lawyers give them permission to drop more than leaflets...Collateral damage is almost as bad as waterboarding we are told. 284 days and eight hours left.
linbb 1
What you will see more than likely is cruse style wepons along with smart bombs not carpet bombing due to that. Doubt if there will be any lawsuits.
I think so too..

It's about time this happened, ISIS need OBLITERATED AND WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!


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