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JetBlue CEO Blasts Big U.S. Airlines for Wielding ‘Anti-Consumer Power’

JetBlue Airways CEO Robin Hayes on Monday criticized United, American and Delta airlines for opposing the three-largest Gulf carriers as they expand in the United States, calling the situation “…the perfect illustration of how we see mega-carriers trying to use their muscle and deep pockets to limit competition.” ( 기타...

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middle eastern airlines are well known for the quality of their service,the comfort of their aircraft,and the almost submissive service of their personnel..i can undertand the ceo of jet blue saying (as he did in the article)that by excluding these carriers from u.s. cities as he mentioned,it limits passenger bookings on jet blue from these same passengers..however..those who fly on emirates or quatar or whomever,expect and get the best of seating,food,service and amenities,so it is doubtful they would opt to fly on a low fare,no frills carrier like jet blue upon arriving in the u.s....

I don't think the American carriers are trying to limit competition, they are asking that the competitors not use funds obtained from the pockets of US citizens using a cartel (OPEC) to subsidize their airlines.
Then why would an airline,American as an example, codeshare with the Gulf carriers?
That is a sales decision. Many codeshare deals are make to the commission from selling the other carriers flight to places they do not service.
I understand that...but if they dont want to give the Gulf carriers US money because they are funded "using a cartel (OPEC) to subsidize their airlines", then why code share with them...US citizen money would find its way into Gulf carriers hands via the codeshare arrangement would it not?


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