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Emirates plane quarantined in New York after 10 passengers reported sick

A plane has been quarantined upon landing in New York’s JFK airport after multiple people said they were feeling sick, according to reports. ( 기타...

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They shouldn't have opted for the fish...
You're right, that's why I got the lasagna!

I've heard 10 and also I heard 100 people were sick.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a statement released to the media, said 100 of approximately 521 passengers, including some of the flight crew, complained of illness including fever and coughing
a similar issue was reported today on 2 other flights ,but these were not from dubai..I belive the carrier was american and the arrival city was dont know if its "motion sickness", the food,the change in air pressure, or a flu bug..this happens on cruise ships periodically when people are in close contact for a long time,although a 10 hour or so flight is different than a 7 day cruise!


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