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Passengers jump onto the wing after they see flames coming out of the engine

Moscow- Some passengers opened the emergency door and jumped off a plane when they realized the fire coming out of one of the engines. ( 기타...

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mkeflyer 3
That's the worst spot for you if the engines have flames coming out.
ADXbear 2
Go back go back we were just kidding.
Cansojr 2
Getting out of an aircraft on fire is good common sense and for your longevity. Leave by any exit which is accessible.
Cansojr 1
You still can use the front exits in the front and the aft exits on the rear area of the aircraft. That generally covers all of the major airlines globally.
Most Regional s do not have rear Exits!
So it coughed out flames to the back? I saw a video of a compressor stall and a huge ball of flame blew out of the front of the engine. It looked EPIC. I'd be more than a little anxious to get the heck out. YIKES!

Still, it was cool to see.
ok..well, I think if that were a carrier ,u.s. flagship type,flames shooting out of an engine would be grounds for a flight attendant to immediately speak with the captain to advise of the situation and see what the response would be..i would be concerned,just like if you were stting in your car and saw flames coming from the would want to "exit" as quickly as possible!
Fellow not too smart!
linbb -5
Another stupid post thank again for playing go back to trolling
Cansojr 1
Why do you bother with this site when I have seen your "negative squawks". Everything you say is tainted with your endless tirades. Seriously man, you need help from mental health care professionals. There is no shame by seeing a psychologist or a psychiatrist to help you with your anger. I am not saying this to be funny, I have seen one and they are truely helpful. Instead of the body they look at the complete mind. I really would like you to be successful on this site.
Wow, that's funny coming from the main troll.
Cansojr 1
Try to be constructive for once in your pathetic life.


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