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Airbus reveals new zero-emission concept aircraft

Airbus has revealed three concepts for the world’s first zero-emission commercial aircraft which could enter service by 2035 ( 기타...

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Greg S 3
I doubt this is sincere. The language of this press release is very "flying car"-like. Using hydrogen as a fuel has been known forever. Using electrolysis of water to obtain hydrogen has been known forever. The press release provides little more than some pretty "futuristic" artist drawings of sleek airframes. They're not even real designs. Not a single concrete goal or next step is even so much as hinted at. Instead, all the heavy lifting is left to "...with the support from government and industrial partners...". This is equivalent to saying we'll be making a zero-emissions aircraft in partnership with the aircraft fairy.

I'm not saying a hydrogen-powered commercial airliner is science fiction. I'm saying this announcement doesn't signal any real commitment by Airbus. It's PR to appease the climate-change mob. And of course the fact this story is highlighted by MH370 only serves to further detract from its believability.
Joking aside, about 100% for sure none of these planes will see the light of day, and to call them zero emissions is a cruel joke or, more to the point, a lie.

The energy inputs to manufacture them will be enormous, and unless hydrogen is simply venting from the ground somewhere that we can tap and fill tanks with it, you're going to be making hydrogen with electrolysis or chemical processes that will not be zero emissions. (There's a wee little problem involving the second law of thermodynamics, too.)

But sure, if you ignore everything but the very last step you can pretend they're zero emissions.
Remember, Copernicus, Gutenberg and the others, they made them laugh too!...
I'm sure there would never be a tail strike issue on the 150-200 Pax Turbofan model they are proposing......can anyone say Hindenburg?
linbb 0
Its a far out concept MH but keep hoping for perpetual motion too or the flying car.
...and let us know when Elvis gets here.


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