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First Female Pilot Joins Blue Angels

Female naval aviators have been flying fighter jets for 20 years but none have ever broken into the rarefied territory of the choicest job available to them — Blue Angels demonstration team pilot. ( 기타...

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ram171 6
I go to air shows to see aviation in action. I honestly don't care who flies them. That she's flying Fat Albert is not a lesser thing. Fat Albert Rocks
biz jets 5
How about letting the girls fly the Hornets!!!

They have been for a number of years.... just not with the Blues....
I kind of wondered about the same thing. Seems the Navy is a little lagging in letting a female handle the jets. The Thunderbirds passed that milestone years ago.
Seems to me the Navy might have simply had the right priority - find the best pilots, period, without consideration of their gender, to fill spots that open on the team. I'd rather see a slot filled by the best pilot, rather than the best pilot who fits a politically correct agenda but may not have qualified strictly on ability and skills. You don't gain equality by forcing balanced quotas or politically correct agendas on organizations. You gain equality by simply making anything but ability, skill, training and experience irrelevant to the selection process.
mrvair 1
peteb200 4
The C-130 is not a F-18, but it's a step in the right direction. Congrats!
Fat Albert has a pretty good show demo itself. She is very much a part of the team. LOL
What do you fly Pete...? Congrats to her and everything that she has to look forward to.
canuck44 2
This is sad in that she will be tarred with the whispers that she was an "Affirmative Action" hire even though she might well be the best possible choice. Fortunately the C-130 does not have a tail gunner position or other politically correct hires like "Corporal Klinger" of MASH could be accommodated to please the authorities.
btweston 2
Nice. Right after the sex scandal.

Oh, wait... Err... Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
mike SUT 1
EEOC hire :-)
mike SUT -1
Now before everyone reports me....note the smiley face
Rock On Naval Aviator ! :)
Maybe the Navy is waiting until the dust settles after firing the neanderthal lead.
ltcjra 0
Yes, she will be "humping" the C-130! Wait.....maybe I shouldn't use slang or old terms to describe her new position. Leave the Blues alone.


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