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Hospital helipad destroyed by departing aircraft

USAF CV22 Osprey destroys UK hospital helipad on departure. Video. ( 기타...

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I don't think that is the normal Helipad at Addenbrooke's, which is a large square patch on the south side of the hospital campus, in an open field.

The site in the video looks like a load of PSP loose-laid on the deck.

Most UK hospitals have their helipad on the roof, or in a section of a tarmac-covered car park.

Anyhow, nice to see the Osprey being used in daily flying - justifying the faith which was placed in the programme during the early days when teething troubles nearly sank the programme.
Try the international version of the BBC News site. It might work for you.
BrianL 2
The crew are lucky a piece of that matting didn't impact a rotor blade as they lifted off...
The video is only playable if you're in the UK.
I watched the video earlier on twitter and it played fine.

btweston 1
Oh man. Someone’s gonna have to roll those mats out again.
Lack of proper ground mat anchoring, by the look of that.
Hardly 'destroyed'. I was expecting a temporary building to be blown over at least.


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