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Op-Ed: Icelandair's Fleet Is About To Get More Complex

During Icelandair's Mid-Atlantic exhibition last week, Icelandair was more than forthcoming with the fact that the 757 is not going to last forever. They'd love for them to last, but as Icelandair becomes more focused on the new, competitive industry and their environmental responsibilities; something has to change. ( 기타...

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The 757 is a narrow-body plane, I believe. The 737-200 is almost the same capacity and range, so if they go with the 737, they get a maintainable aircraft with little or no downside.
That’s a 30 year old design and the first jet airline I flew. And I’m retired!!
Doesnt Icelandair operate a couple of ex Air New Zealand 767-300er's?
icelandair's use of the 757 demonstrates how good an airliner 757 is, and how shortsighted boeing was in terminating the program. Maybe they could have built and sold a few hundred more, and maybe they could have made a 757 neo that would have thrown a monkey wrench in airbus expansion.
Well, Boeing went from an airline manufacturer to a boutique airplane maker telling its customers what they wanted to buy. With the 757 orders pretty much drying up, downplaying the Airbus assault fixing to hit the market. Boeing just decided to add a fuel tank, and a few extra rows, increase the range, they would have a best seller on their hands. They quickly destroyed the tooling. Airlines began to realize the economics of narrow body overseas flying with the 757. But, it was Airbus that was there with the closest replacement, the A321.
chalet 2
Russian made aircraft, military or civilian, enjoy the dubious distinction of being unreliable, poorly designed and terrible after sale Service. The Mexican airline INTERJET
chalet 4
will be sorry for years for having bought 22 examples of the Sukhoi Superjet 100, 4 of which were set aside last year to be cannibalized since the manufacturer and engine maker are not providing spares, logistical and technicall support as any Western airframe and engine makers do. INCELANDAIR, DO YURSELVES A FAVOR: BUY ANY AIRCRAFT BUT SPECIMENS FROM RUSSIA.
Why no airline bought the NMA that’s already flying?
I mean... Russian Airliners with P&W engines isn’t that bad...
Seriously, what was Boeing thinking when they stopped making the 757?
money money money.. thats what they were thinking
Why are people giving this thumbs down? It is very interesting!

racerxx 1
I guarantee you MH370 and his fake account counts for 2 of those downvotes
he has a fake account? actually some people when the upvote or downvote make it go up about 5
people just thumbs down and dont read the article.. the usual...


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