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Carry-on bag ignites at West Virginia airport

Agents with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at a West Virginia airport were in for a shock Wednesday when a carry-on bag ignited as it passed through a security checkpoint. ( 기타...

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can'twe all just get along???
I wish we could Dan. Some people just don't seem to have the motive to...
lynx318 0
Lady passenger responsible, "Oh not my favourite vibrator!"
(Sorryz, the situation appeared in my head.)

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Here you go again @linbb... Why can't you post something positive?
Cansojr 6
Kobe he just gets attention by being a jackxxx. Don't waste your valuable time and skills on that skid mark.
Very true. Can't believe he hasn't got banned already.
Cansojr 3
We can only punt him for foul language, personal assaults or vindictive lies about your person. Any use of the F word. You get the general idea. But it has to be provable. Then email flight aware Squawks citing the circumstances. They will get back to you promptly. If they they agree that person is gone. If not they receive a reprimand.
Oh I get it. I haven't heard him go overboard with the swearing but all his comments are a bit monotonous.
Cansojr 4
What is your point?
If he has one, that is....
lynx318 1
On top of his head under the foil cap.
Cansojr 1
Don't go insulting Dan Aykroyd and the Coneheads

lynx318 1
Greg S 4
This is not some devious plot to confuse you. The backpack was on fire, the fire was extinguished. Investigation revealed that lithium batteries ignited. All this was clearly stated in the article.
WTH do you see that line??

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Officials later determined that the small explosion was caused by two lithium batteries attached to a charger.
I think both of you need glasses. I never saw any hint of an idea "couldn't figure out why a bag would ignite" but I did read " Officials later determined that the small explosion was caused by two lithium batteries attached to a charger."
Jim DeTour -7
If any of you grouches do have a rating I highly suggest getting your eyes checked.
You have a pretty low one at the moment.
Cansojr 3
Right on Kobe!
the article states the same person had been detained 2 days before for having a loaded weapon..good grief!i remember once several years back, before all the regulations and tsa x rays of luggage,when an agent checked a bag for a person at the ticket counter at ny local airport,and inside was a loaded gun..well, when she put the bag on the bag belt,the gun went off and the bullet shot through the suitcase into her foot!that was before cell phones and batteries were a problem!
No where in the article does it say "the same person had been detained 2 days before for having a loaded weapon" does state "a man was stopped for traveling with a loaded handgun at the same air hub," Same air hub!

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Nearly every other country in the world doesn't allow guns ... yet you remain here. Ever ask yourself why that is?

And if you don't live "here", why comment on subject that have ZERO bearing in your life?


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