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Air India Express Boeing 737 Crash: Here’s What We Know So Far

The tragic story of the Air India Express 737 flying from Dubai to Kozhikode yesterday, is one that is still unfolding. ( 기타...

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I see that MH370 cannot resist continued "Boeing Bashing" with glee over this tragedy. Seems eerily similar to the Turkish Air crash over several years ago. Is there some unwritten rule among other countries airline pilots that says they cannot go around or divert to an alternate?
linbb 2
Real easy dumb pilots who were in over there heads continue landing after its very clear they cannot stop due to heavy rain. Too stupid or not enough training should have been flying a Cessna in clear weather instead of wrecking an airliner.
From the initial reports from observers it strikes me that the pilots were either disoriented or out of practice landing in heavy rain.
Landing in heavy rain means that if you don't have an 'extra' 5000' you have no idea if the runway is contaminated with more water depth than the equipment was certified for. Do it downwind, and, well!

Another report says wind was from 260 at 12 knots, plane first did an approach to runway 28, but then went around and approached from the other direction, landed on 10 with a tailwind. ( )


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