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NTSB and FAA Investigating Failed Red Bull Plane Swap
Both Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have announced that they would be investigating the attempted Red Bull plane swap in Arizona which led to one of the aircraft crashing... ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
When this started yesterday, I checked for any restricted airspace. Welp, that explains why I could not find a single restriction or NOTAM related to this flight. Not even one for skydiving for AZ04 during that time.
And in an area where the sectional has many warnings about "intense flight training activity"
That is in area here where a training ILS has been established nearby @ KCGZ and there is a ton of local flight school traffic using it at all hours. I avoid it unless doing an IPC.
This is the social media world that we live in: how many "likes" and "views" can we get? very sad, and also very confusing. A popular YouTube pilot that is so adamant about safety says that he saw "no problem" with this stunt and that they were "safe". Ok, except they CHOSE to go ahead even without the FAA approval, so in violating the FARs they had to know what the consequences were going to be. so what other FARs can we assume they were or are willing to go against? another perfectly good airplane gone for a view on the web.
WHy did they not just do it in Mexico?????
RECOR - Have you been to Arizona recently?? It may as well be Mexico. They probably just got confused.
Texas is going in the same direction... Just a little slower!
California is also going the same direction
Well, yes, that could literally be said about every state if one assumes it refers to net change in percentage of Hispanic population. Per Wikipedia (an unquestionable authority of course) the only US state or territory listed that had a negative percentage change in Hispanic population per U.S. Census over the last 10 years is.....drum roll....Puerto Rico. I just wanted to point that out because it seemed so ironic. (Second smallest net percentage change of any state, btw, was actually California. Also surprisingly contrary to common perception.)