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Netflix’s ‘MH370: The Plane That Disappeared’

Netflix’s ‘MH370: The Plane That Disappeared’ Tells Us Everything We Heard Before [Review] ( 기타...

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this ought to be retitled "Everything we know and have been regularly telling everyone, but not the reason the incident happened, because we don't know, but we wanted you to recall the facts just in case you are tested on it..."
This should have been submitted with the original full title: "Netflix’s ‘MH370: The Plane That Disappeared’ Tells Us Everything We Heard Before."

I thought it was a pretty decent review of the show, and seems to confirm what I was suspecting: that this documentary contains a high degree of speculation and hype mixed in with the facts.

linbb 1
Well now that the press is picking up on air disasters show on TV and running pieces on basically what is old news who knows what is next. I see that on MSN on line news a few days after the show was on TV,
Maybe Tighar will find it by accident? BS prevails!

vote as you wish, but if you read it, it is an advertisement for Director Richard Gillespie.

As for MH370 by now, whatever they don't know you won't, and whatever they do know you won't.
linbb 1
How I totaly agree its wasted many millions on finding nothing. The money wasted on it could well have been spent on better pilot training and better oversite on airlines.


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