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Aloha Allegiant! New Airline Service To Hawaii

Allegiant Airlines on Tuesday announced new service to Hawaii beginning this summer. The carrier begins flights to Honolulu from Las Vegas on June 29, and from Fresno on June 30. Airfares will start at $174 each way. ( 기타...

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Sad when a carrier feels, it has to go to "less served" areas like FAT just to create business ... But too, I expect it should be a good attention getter for those in the Fresno area .. too much competition out of LAS.
Paul Smith 1
Thats Allegiant's business plan, they don't fly out of big airports that every other carrier flies to but out of smaller under-served airports.
Aware of them serving the "under served cities" .. but they also fly to alot, where people's financial picture is bleak ..
Paul Smith 1
Can't blame them, they make a huge profit off of it and it works for them so I see why not, all they are trying to do is make a profit. They really couldn't care less...


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