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Malaysia clears way for Flight 370 compensation

Malaysia's civil aviation authority issued a statement Thursday officially declaring the passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 deceased and saying the disappearance of the Boeing 777 on March 8, 2014 was an accident. The declaration by Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation clears legal hurdles to the airline making compensation payments to the victims of tragic aviation mystery. Civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said Thursday that the search for the jet… ( 기타...

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Kind of premature when the final report has not been completed and the end of March search. I assume a waiver for future claims would be signed and if found and turns out to be a criminal act there is no further recompense. With an extra ship that has been sent with more sophisticated sonar to search "pockets that may have been missed" and the ATSB tendering for salvage companies "when nothing has been found" its intriguing
I guess the cover up budget ran out.
MH370 -1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Malaysia Declares MH370 An 'Accident'

The Boeing 777 disappeared on March 8 last year, carrying 239 passengers and crew shortly after taking off from the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur, bound for Beijing.


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