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Light Plane Flips in KDWH Seaplane Strip

A pilot who "crashed" in the seaplane landing strip at Houston Hooks airport was uninjured, and was able to "swim to safety". ( 기타...

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linbb 2
Didn't crash but landed with gear down happens every time with an amphibian landing on water with it down. Nothing new here other than glad the pilot was ok.
Yes you called it correctly he did a water landing with the gear down, not the fist time we have seen this on many types.
tuba 1
The language used by other local news outlets is amazing: Pilot was "training in the water lane" and "had to make a crash landing". (Training? How about "tried unsuccessfully to land".)

Best part: the caption for a photo of the upside-down, nearly-submerged aircraft: "It's not clear yet if the plane was damaged in the landing." No, but it got mighty damp.
linbb 1
Oh well at lease they got the water right. Check youtube for a few videos of them landing with the gear down. In about two seconds from the time they touch its over except for the spray of water following impact.
This other news source gets the technical details a little more accurate, by actually identifying it as a seaplane.


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