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Is it likely that MH370 will ever be found?

The 120,000sq km area of Indian Ocean off southern Australia was chosen based on satellite data as the most likely place the Boeing 777 could have come down along what is presumed to have been its flight path. ( 기타...

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Good question! my feelings are NO
I suspect that someday it WILL be discovered, probably by accident. More people (12) have walked on the surface of the moon than on the Ocean floor.
I think another James Cameron movie would be in the works! Seriously, the ocean may or may not give up it's contents.
This sounds like a newspaper headline from 1912, after the Titanic foundered.
With the BSAA Lancastrian emerging from an Andes glacier more than half a century after 1946, does anyone REALLY believe that "nothing disappears forever"?

Apart from Shergar and Lord Lucan, of course!

"We are playing the correct search pattern, but not - necessarily - in the right area". With acknowledgements to Morecambe and Wise.

Happy Friday.
I would like to think so, but it's not where they've been searching. Ask the nsa/cia where it is - since they seem to know everything lately.


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