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Stealth turns 40: Looking back at the first flight of Have Blue

On December 1, 1977, a truly strange bird took flight for the first time in the skies over a desolate corner of Nevada. Looking more like a giant faceted gemstone than something designed to lift-off, the aircraft (nicknamed the "Hopeless Diamond") had been flown out to Groom Lake in parts aboard a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy cargo plane. ( 기타...

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Great squawk Torsten, and the associated comments pointed me to my next read about Ben Rich and the skunk works. As usual, don't get the down thumbs but these days seems more about politics than content. Cheers and enjoy the holidays.
linbb 3
Great piece thanks to the poster Hoff for doing so. Also nice to get away from the constant posts for one maker and none for the other. This harkens back to the days of Preacher, may he rest in peace skys always blue and wind light in his travels.
Thank you gentlemen, I'm glad someone else found the article worth reading. ArsTechnica is a great site for anyone interested in science and technology, their articles are well-written but not so dry that they become inaccessible to anyone but experts in a given field. Also, the comments there are civilized and well-informed.

Happy Holidays!
Great find.

The diamond-like look of the design was largely dictated by the limits of the computing hardware of the day. "Some of the mathematics were being done on slide rules still, and a PDP-8 and other like computers, so yeah, computer limitations really kept the shaping down,"

Amazing what your could do with a slip-stick and 3 significant digits. Still have mine, and the batteries are just as good as the day I bought it.


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