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The Airlines Most in Danger of Going Under During the Crisis

The global airline industry has never had it so bad. Not even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Airlines could lose a quarter of a trillion dollars in revenue this year, according to the International Air Transport Association, as travel comes to a standstill with countries locked down to fight the coronavirus. Most carriers will go bankrupt by the end of May if they can’t find support, Sydney-based CAPA Centre for Aviation said last week. “In this very difficult period, it will only be the… ( 기타...

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Bad news for everyone...
the airline industry has expanded to the point of oversaturation in certain markets,whereas in others a destination or a new market was opened takes a great deal of money to operate a carrier,and also the demand for service must is bad news ,even if this list is not carriers based I the u.s...we are a global community...this affects everyone...


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