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How A Boeing 727 Went Missing In 2003

Boeing Stock Code BA Business Type Planemaker Date Founded 1916-07-15 CEO Dave Calhoun Headquarters Location Chicago, USA Key Product Lines Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, Boeing 787. Disappearing big planes are rare events, given the extent of modern tracking data available nowadays. Nonetheless, every now and then, the disappearance of a big passenger jet flies under the public radar. That's the case with a Boeing 727-200 that departed from Luanda's Quatro… ( 기타...

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Wow. Talk about a hard read. The CSS on that page is crap, well, nonexistent. Try reading this page instead:
Thanks! The SI article is much better. The MSN article doesn't even make it clear which country the incident took place in (Angola).
I waded through it, but yes, very hard read, like chest high water.
Thanks for sharing


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