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Airbus Nears Record Deal with IndiGo for 500 A320 Jets and Plans 720 Deliveries in 2023

Airbus, the European planemaker, is on the verge of finalizing a groundbreaking agreement to sell 500 A320-family jets to IndiGo, India’s largest carrier, according to industry sources. The official announcement is expected to take place during this year’s Paris Air Show. ( 기타...

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jeff slack 1
Got Engines?
linbb 1
Ho Hum
linbb 0
That was due to wondering what is going to happen down the road in a very few years due to fuel prices when they are faced with bio fuel of some type. The other being ticket prices going out of sight and passengers not able to afford them another. Soon there will be more restrictions on all commercial airlines due to the environmental issues am sure they are just starting to look at contrails causing problems.


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