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MH370 search to end in June 2016

The search for a missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER in the southern Indian Ocean has covered over 80,000 square kilometres, and is likely wind up in June 2016 if the aircraft is not found. Two vessels, Fugro Discovery and Havila Harmony, are presently in the search area, says Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JAAC) in a routine statement. ( 기타...

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They should be looking in the right place -- the Eastern Indian Ocean, not the Southern Indian Ocean. See for why.
Agreed. I still say DG
It should have ended already...
Honestly, I am NEVER one to believe in or support conpiracies about obvious events ( 9/11, Moon Landings, JFK assassination) in fact, I do the exact opposite. But for MH370, I`m would not be surprised in the slightest if that airplane was discovered somewhere not in the Indian or Pacific Ocean. ( if you see where I`m getting with this). I`m not saying with 100% certainty " OH ITS HIJACKED", and chances are, it did just crash in the ocean, but I find it extremely that an airplane LITERALLY disappears like MH370 did. I don`t know. Its just my insignificant opinion.
btweston -2
Right wing extremists have hijacked this website and started downvoting funny comments in a crazed effort to convert us to christianity.

Constitutions and Freedums! Muh freedumses!! Whah do they wont mah frEEEEEDUMMMMMZZZZZ?!?!?

I'm sorry. We are surrounded by small-minded idiots, and I think that's hilarious. Incredibly sad, but hilarious. Gotta roll with the punches, you know?
Are you kidding... What kind of comment is that? Agree with hunter, you need help on your speeling....
You are the small minded idiot, you can't even spell freedom correctly and you live in America.
You mean there's only one small minded idiot rattling around here lately?
You are proof of and are REALLY an idiot for not realizing freedom was spelled intentionally wrong to make light of the crazed Right Wing extreme NUTS posting on this forum!!
Keep drinking the Kool-aid.

Keep sippin the koolaid.

[This poster has been suspended.]

btweston -1
What you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your irrelevant, partisan comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this website is now dumber for having read it. I award you no upvotes, and may God have mercy on your soul.

[This poster has been suspended.]

It's really sad how people don't have a sense of humor. :-)
It's really sad how the rightwing sheeple feel the need to spew ignorant comments, truly anti-American in light of all the chaos "W" et al created for not only America but the world!
Thankfully the GOP clown car will be meeting the same fate as MH370!
btweston -4
Just what the alien abductors wanted.

[This poster has been suspended.]

btweston -1
Quit joking around, here. It was aliens, obviously.
linbb 0
Yup green ones.
btweston -2
They may look cute, but wait until they board your plane with those probes.
rectal probes , , , ,


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