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The four-year hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight #MH370 has ended

The four-year hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has ended with the latest, privately funded search coming to a close. US-based Ocean Infinity had been using a deep-sea vessel to survey a vast area of the southern Indian Ocean. But it found nothing and Malaysia’s government says it has no plans to begin any new searches. The plane disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. ( 기타...

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This is not the best of news for the families and friends of that ill fated flight. They will have no real closure. Hopefully someone else may step in and try, but that is a huge hope.
this is a sad ending to a long story..the families of the passengers and crew will always wonder what actually happened...
It's not a surprise at all, and it's too bad they got people's hopes up when it was pretty obvious they'd never succeed. Even with all their ideas about where the plane was, the ocean is simply too vast and unknown. They should have saved all the time and effort and heartache and let people get on with their lives sooner.
A permanent position beacon like many US Air Force planes have installed, was mentioned as mandatory after the disappearance of flight 370. Have they been installed? Will the airlines comply?
I really hope that in the future there will be a firm conclusion.
bbabis 1
If one was really after closure, the time and financial resources could have been spent on a much easier search in the Bermuda triangle where many, many more wait for closure than the south Atlantic. Anyway, it was a good effort and in time technology will shed light on MH370.
linbb -9
Was over a week ago when it was announced.
A week ago it was announced that the search was going to end not that it had ended.


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