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WATCH: First-ever trifecta flyover makes history ahead of Super Bowl LV in Tampa

Sunday’s Super Bowl LV in Tampa will be historic for many reasons – it’s the first time an NFL team is playing a Super Bowl at home and will feature the first woman working as an official for the Big Game. But the history-making started with the flyover that took place over Raymond James Stadium before kickoff. Three different Air Force bombers conducted the first-of-its-kind trifecta flyover during the National Anthem. ( 기타...

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Imagine how cool it would be to have an Apache doing 60 knots, a C-130 doing maybe 100 knots, a C-5 doing 140 knots, ..., all the way up to some fighter jets doing whatever they legally can do. Stack their altitudes, and sync it so they all pass overhead at the same time.
I was at Raymond James Stadium for both the rehearsal and actual flyover. The rehearsal had no B2 participation, but the stand-in additional B1 plus the scheduled B1 and B52 were impressive. The actual flyover with the B1, B2, & B52 was very impressive. If I could only post my videos and sounds of each on this site, I would so others can see.
Can you upload or send the video... I can certainly get it posted! I can send you my contact info.
It is amazing that CBS did not show this prior to the kick off... Only reason I recorded the "Blooper Bowl" was because I did not know where it would be... and I wanted to see it it... Shame on CBS!

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Why is it sometimes, and they are very few, you have some great comments. But other times, you are just a horse's butt!!
Not just here.... They are Everywhere!
I have no clue why Flight Aware allows a Troll like you...
Someone to laugh at?
pjshield 3
He sounds like a gutter drunk just coming to and makes a comment he knows nothing about.


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