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Malaysia to resume search for MH370

The statement says that Ocean Infinity will look for the lost Boeing 777-200ER in yet unsearched area where it is believed the aircraft could be. Canberra will provide technical assistance for the effort. ( 기타...

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the families of those who "disappeared"will not think of any continuing searches as a "waste of money",no matter who finances the search..although it is pretty much a a given at this point due to the length of time elapsed, that very little if any pieces of an aircraft or remains will be found,at least the families might be able to finally have peace...
linbb -6
And another waste of money that could be spent much better on there countries welfare than this.
It's their money

Apparently it's not a waste of money since it's a 'no find no fee' agreement. Although any company entering into such an agreement on this wild goose chase is bound to go broke.


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