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California Pacific Airlines Suspends Carlsbad Operations Citing Pilot Shortage

California Pacific Airlines has suspended all west coast operations out of Carlsbad's McClellan-Palomar Airport for the remainder of 2018 and going into January 2019 citing a "nationwide pilot shortage." (Honestly, where have we heard this excuse before?) Essential Air Service operations out of Denver to Pierre and Watertown in South Dakota have not been affected by this suspension, according to their website. The carrier hopes to resume flights out of Carlsbad after they hire and… ( 기타...

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the article says they launched operations out of carlsbad in November..this is the end of December..definitely a brief test of the route..i have read there is a pilots shortage now and has been for a while,even for the major carriers..
It's going to get worse. This generation is too much into their drugs. We have attempted to hire both engineers, mechanics and pilots and so many of them end up failing the initial drug screening program.

The schools have to get tougher on admission or the problem will never be solved. These kids need a wake-up call before they hit the job market. Can't get into a school should provide that call. But the schools will cave to the revenue and pas the problem up the line. SIGH.......


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